As a newcomer, you must be thinking why is Canada a great place to live? There are a lot of reasons why Canada is an excellent place for newcomers. Well, whether you are attracted to Canada’s diversity, safety, natural beauty, or job market, the nation offers many advantages. 

Some of the reasons we will discuss today in this blog. So, without further ado, let us begin!

Why Is Canada A Great Place To Live? 

Below are the reasons why Canada is an excellent place to live for newcomers. 

  1. High Quality Of Life
    One of the most common reasons as to why Canada is a great place to live is the high quality of life. The nation ranks third in terms of quality of life, behind Sweden & Denmark, & well ahead of the US. The quality of life ranking is based on different factors like economic stability, job market, safety, political stability, etc.
    In addition, Canada also ranks at the third position in the best nations overall ranking, after Switzerland & Germany. Thus, Canada undoubtedly offers the safety, stability, amenities, & comforts that newcomers look for in their new country.

  2. Employment Opportunities
    Between December 2022 & April 2023, Canada’s unemployment rate remained stable at five percent, which is fairly low. Employment opportunities are available across various industries in Canada & some sectors, like healthcare, engineering, education, etc., face severe labor shortages. That being said, many employers prefer to hire applicants with some Canadian experience, which makes it harder for newcomers to find jobs quickly.
    However, volunteer experience, freelance projects, & relevant jobs can also count as Canadian experience. Some in-demand professions, like medicine, engineering, nursing, etc., are regulated in Canada & newcomers in these fields must get licensed before they can begin practicing their profession.
  3. Publicly Funded Healthcare In Canada, healthcare is governed at the territorial/ provincial level. Each province/ territory offers its citizens & permanent residents a publicly funded healthcare plan. In some provinces, temporary residents, like work permit holders & international/ foreign students, are also covered by the provincial healthcare plan.

Residents do not need to pay out-of-pocket for regular check-ups, medical tests & treatments. However, you might still have to pay for non-essential or cosmetic procedures, medication, dental care, & vision. Most Canadians buy private insurance for add-on coverage under the employer’s group insurance plans. 

When you avail of medical services which are covered by your provincial plan, the healthcare provider bills the Canadian government directly, & the cost of the treatment is covered by the taxes paid by residents of the province/ territory. 

  1. Diversity & Multiculturalism 

As a newcomer, Canada’s diversity & multiculturalism helps in making you feel at home. Depending on where you live in Canada, you might find yourself surrounded by a mix of cultures & religious beliefs. Canada welcomes newcomers from across the world. According to the 2021 census, newcomers/ immigrants comprise 23% of the country’s population. 

Moreover, all people are equal & worthy of respect irrespective of their country of origin, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. The laws in Canada promoted equal rights & legalization of same-sex marriages in 2005 is an example of the nation’s definition of freedom.  

  1. Safety & Peacefulness 

Many immigrants/ newcomers move to Canada to find a safer environment for their families. According to the US News Best Countries Survey, Canada is the seventh safest nation in the world. Although crime still exists, the incidence of violent crime is low. 

The nation ranked 12th on the Global Peace Index 2022. Canada welcomes refugees who had to leave their home country & offers them a peaceful haven. 

  1. Social Services & Benefits 

Another reason why Canada is a great place to live is its social services & benefits. 

As a newcomer, your well-being & social security is likely top-of-mind at all times. Canada has a strong social services system with generous financial benefits for people in need. The Employment Insurance Program provides a temporary income to individuals who have lost their jobs or are unable to work for specific reasons like illness or pregnancy. To be eligible, you must have worked in an insurable profession for a minimum number of hours & paid EI premiums. 

The Canada Pension Plan offers a financial safety net for workers after they retire. Moreover, financial assistance is available to eligible families with children under the age of 18 & seniors with low retirement incomes. 

Also, Canada has a generous parental leave policy, where one/ both parents can take time off from work in order to take care of a newborn/ adopted child. 

  1. Easy To Get Canadian Citizenship 

If you are moving to Canada as a permanent resident, the path to citizenship is pretty straightforward. Unlike some nations that have complicated citizenship processes/ prolonged waiting time periods, Canada aims to retain people who have chosen to make the country their home. 

In order to apply for Canadian citizenship, you must meet a minimum residency requirement as a permanent resident, prove your language skills, file income tax in Canada, & pass a citizenship test. 

The nation also makes it easier for people moving to Canada as international students/ temporary foreign workers to qualify for PR. 


Canada stands out as a top nation of opportunity, diversity, & quality of life, thus making it an excellent place to live. With its stunning natural landscapes, inclusive society, & strong economy, Canada offers a safe & welcoming environment for individuals & families alike. 

From its world-class healthcare & education system to its commitment to multiculturalism & human rights, Canada embodies the values of quality, freedom, & opportunity. Whether drawn by career prospects, educational opportunities, or simply seeking a better quality of life, Canada continues to attract people from across the globe, promising a bright & fulfilling future for its residents.